Is your divorce šŸŒ” eclipsing your sun?

Iā€™m thinking a lot about the lunar eclipse. Strangely, it reminds me of my experience with divorce. 

Just as the moon casts a shadow over the sun, divorce can block the brightness in our lives, a sudden chill that leaves us in darkness. Yet for me, it was more nuanced than ā€œgoodā€ or ā€œbad.ā€

šŸ”­ Steve Yerby,

Darkness is inevitable.

The moonā€™s shadow blocks the sun, and suddenly itā€™s dark, the temperature plummets. Divorce can be like that - overwhelming, engulfing everything. Maybe youā€™re not sleeping well, or eating healthfully, or fully present at work or with your kids. Of course youā€™re not. Allow yourself to sit with those emotions, to notice them. 

The stars come out.

With the sun blocked, though, suddenly other lights become visible. Friends, family, and colleagues may surprise you with their supportā€”a kind word or a lunch invite. For me, these folks had been there the whole time, but like the stars, their light was awash during the daylight. During these moments of darkness, other relationships can deepen.

The sun will return.

As we all keep spinning on our axes and orbits, the eclipse passes and light returns. This world may feel both familiar and new. Light may take the form of a new apartment, a renewed relationship with your kids, or new hobbies. For me, it was a gorgeous velour purple couch! I invite you to look for signs that you are rewriting your next chapter, as these will help carry you through the more stressful moments.

How about you? What has been light or darkā€”or bothā€”in your experience? 

PS: Am I overworking this metaphor/simile if I suggest that our Fresh Start course is like a pair of eclipse glasses, allowing you to turn and face your divorce safely? The cardboard sides hold the new framing of theā€¦. oh goodness I just ruined it, didnā€™t I? šŸ‘“

If youā€™re looking for resources on getting that ā˜€ļø back - or understanding the legal process, handling your finances, or talking with your children, we got you:

Mockup of Fresh Start online video course

Fresh Start

The Ultimate Divorce Resource Guide

This video course from PurplCouch features interviews with divorce pros including an attorney, financial planner, tax specialist, couples and family therapist, and a child psychologist. Produced and organized by Sarah Lyman, a communications professional who's been through her own divorce (thatā€™s why she founded PurplCouch).

āœ“ For less than the cost of 90 minutes with an attorney.


How to Get Divorced as a Stay at Home Mom


Worried about Splitting Your Home šŸ˜ļø In A Divorce? Download your flow chart here!