A Rollercoaster 🎢 of Divorce (& Life)

Well, it’s been a week of Huge Highs and Low Lows for me.

One Huge High was speaking at the conference of Vermont Womenpreneurs. I heard amazing women talk about their business journeys, and I got to share mine. Once common theme? Big things often come from a “life transition” (which in my case was a euphemism for “dumpster fire” 🙄.) I felt so crummy when I was in the throes of my divorce, but ultimately it led to this business, new friendships, and helping others navigate their divorce. It was exhilarating to connect with women who are building their businesses to not only make money, but to improve lives.

But life has its Low Lows too. The very next morning I got in the car at 5am to travel to the funeral of my uncle. He was a complicated man, witty and sarcastic with a dark side. And as often happens, his death brought together family members who hadn’t connected in awhile, and we shared tears and laughter and told stories. (One of my favorite memories of him? He used to jog around his neighborhood wearing a Lucky Strikes T-shirt just to get a rise out of folks.)

I think I’m trying to get my head around this Life Rollercoaster. What about you , where are you on this ride? Have you got it figured out? It seems to me that just when things are good, we plunge down another fall. When can I get back to another Huge High?

Maybe my error is in telling myself that this rollercoaster will level off some day. Maybe the day we are no longer flung up in the air or dropped from heights is the day we’re done on this earth. So I guess instead of preparing myself for either, maybe I should try opening my arms to embrace this wild ride.



PS: Are you on the rollercoaster of divorce? I invite you to my online course Fresh Start, where you can access a series of short video interviews with experts on the legal, financial, emotional, and co-parenting aspects you need to know. I got you.

Image: “Looping the Loop” in Atlantic City, 1901. (Detroit Publishing Co./Library of Congress)


“Bless Your 💜” & Starting with a New Therapist


A đź’Ś to my former step-daughter