Too old 👵 for a fresh start?

Tell me if this resonates with you.

A friend in her 60s is going through a divorce. She’s figuring out a new income stream, making new housing arrangements. It’s been daunting to say the least.

Then she told me she felt “too old for a fresh start.”

Well that broke my heart a little. I bet you already know how I responded, but don’t take my 44-year-old word for it!

I asked around and it turns out there’s a bunch of folks in their 50s, 60s, and 70s living their best lives after their divorce.

Where are you on this wild ride? Daunted? Recovering? Thriving? Let me know.



PS: All of the above is exactly why I created my online course Fresh Start. Watch a series of short video interviews with experts on the legal, financial, emotional, and co-parenting aspects you need to know - and emerge whole. We got you - and you got this.


Fall-Themed Wreaths Already? 🍂🚫


Here’s to 🗹 small accomplishments